Bait Al Zubair Museum description and photos - Oman: Muscat (Topic)

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Bait Al Zubair Museum description and photos - Oman: Muscat

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Bait Al Zubair Museum description and photos - Oman: Muscat

Bait Al Zubair Museum description and photos - Oman: Muscat. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photographs and a map showing the nearest significant objects. The title in English is Bait Al Zubair Museum.

Photo and description

One of the most interesting sights of the Omani capital is the private Museum of Bayt al-Zubair, which contains the treasures of this country's cultural heritage. The Historical and Ethnographic Museum was founded in 1998. It is funded by its founders - members of the Zubair family. The museum has a huge collection of historical items and gizmos produced by local artisans. Some of the most valuable exhibits of Bayt al-Zubair are two magnificent old manuscripts donated to the museum on the occasion of its opening by Sultan Qaboos.

Currently, the museum complex consists of three separate buildings and the fourth is under construction, and also a beautiful garden.

The main building of the museum is called Bayt al-Bagh, that is, the House of Gardens. It was built in 1914 by the ancestor of the current owners of the museum, Sheikh Al-Zubair bin Ali, as his residence. The Sheikh was a very respected person, whose advice was listened to by the three sultans. Located in Old Muscat, the house is an architectural gem of the city and in 1999 was even marked by the Sultan as one of the most beautiful buildings in the capital. The exhibits that are collected here tell about the Al-Said dynasty in power and other rulers of Oman. The first floor displays a selection of firearms and edged weapons, including swords and traditional Omani khanjar daggers, male and female vestments, antique jewelry and household items.

Bayt-Dalalil is a house adjacent to the main building, which has been carefully restored. It has restored the atmosphere of a century ago, where furniture, household items, dishes from the beginning of the last century are collected.

The third building, which is part of the museum complex, is called the Big House. It was opened in early 2008 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the museum. On the ground floor of this three-story structure, you can see early European maps of the Arabian Peninsula and a selection of historic furnishings typical of Muscat homes. The second floor features historical photographs of the Omani capital.

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Topic: Bait Al Zubair Museum description and photos - Oman: Muscat.Bait Al Zubair Museum description and photos - Oman: Muscat

Author: Kelly Costine