Baluran National Park description and photos - Indonesia: Java Island (Topic)

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Baluran National Park description and photos - Indonesia: Java Island

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Baluran National Park description and photos - Indonesia: Java Island. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photographs and a map showing the nearest significant objects. The name in English is Baluran National Park.

Photo and description

Baluran National Park is located in Sutibondo County, East Java Province. On the territory of the district where the park is located, a dry climate generally prevails, about 40% of the park's territory is occupied by savannah, there are lowland forests, mangrove forests, hills.

A more precise location of the park is in the northeastern part of Java, near the islands of Bali and Madura. In the northern part, the park borders on the Madura Strait, in the eastern part - on the Bali Strait. In the west, along the border of the park, the Bajulmati River flows, and on the south side - the Klokoran River. In the center of the park there is a volcano - Baluran, whose height reaches 1247 meters. This stratovolcano is the easternmost volcano on Java Island.

The total area of the national park is about 25,000 hectares. The park is divided into 5 zones: the main zone, which covers 12000 hectares, a wilderness area that covers 5537 hectares, of which 1063 hectares is water area. The next three zones of the park occupy 800 hectares, 5780 hectares and 783 hectares each. On the territory of this protected park there is a lake, which includes sulfur.

It is recorded that about 444 plant species grow in the park, among which there are those that are on the verge of extinction: Indian date (Indian tamarind), lumbang, corypha (umbrella palm), plants from the genus Ziziphus. Many cereals also grow on the territory, among which there are alang-alang, various types of blackberries, lianas, you can see the coral tree and the Unabi tree. The park is home to 26 species of mammals, including the banteng, wild dog, red wolf, Indian muntjac, Javanese kanchil, fishing cat, leopard and others. Among the birds of which there are about 155 species, it is worth highlighting the Indian rhino bird, the green peacock, wild chickens and the Javanese marabou.

The national park has its own mascot - a banteng goby.

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Topic: Baluran National Park description and photos - Indonesia: Java Island.Baluran National Park description and photos - Indonesia: Java Island

Author: Kelly Costine