Egyptian market (Misir Carsisi) description and photos - Turkey: Istanbul (Topic)

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Egyptian market (Misir Carsisi) description and photos - Turkey: Istanbul

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Egyptian market (Misir Carsisi) description and photos - Turkey: Istanbul

Egyptian market (Misir Carsisi) description and photos - Turkey: Istanbul. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photographs and a map showing the nearest significant objects. Title in English - Misir Carsisi.

Photo and description

A rare tourist leaves Istanbul without visiting its historically famous markets. Visitors to Istanbul are especially attracted by the oriental atmosphere prevailing in the markets. Here they usually buy gifts and souvenirs for relatives and friends. One of the most famous local markets is the Egyptian Market or Mysyr Charshysy. Egyptian market & nbsp; also known as the Spice Market. It is the second largest market in Istanbul after the Grand Bazaar. It is built in the shape of a mirror-reverse L and has 6 gates. The domes of the bazaar are covered with lead.

The Egyptian market stands behind the New Mosque, famous for its square with pigeons. It is located at the very edge of the shopping area, where it opens to the Golden Horn. This is the oldest market in the city of Istanbul. It was ordered by the mother of Sultan Mehmed the Fourth in 1660, together with the New Mosque. He was assigned a specific function: providing funding for the construction of the mosque. As the legends say, on the site of the existing one there was a market called "Marco Envalos", and this was during the heyday of the Byzantine Empire. It was called Egyptian or Cape, since the goods that were sold here were transported through Egypt, and ships arriving from this country unloaded their cargo near the market. If you believe this version, then the construction of the market was made with the proceeds from taxes in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. The very name `` Egyptian Market '' appeared, first of all, in the national lexicon, and only then it received an official status.

The market survived two severe fires in 1691 and 1940, and it got its modern look after the restoration carried out by the administration of Istanbul. However, despite all these fires, the "Egyptian market" retained its inherent features.

Initially, the market consisted of 86 stores, the so-called dukkans, where you could buy textiles and medicines. At the moment, there are about 105 shops and lounges inside the market. One part of the market is two-story. On the upper floors, the meetings of the merchant court were previously held, where feuds between the people and the merchants were resolved. The square where the two wings of the market - the long and the short - meet, is called the Prayer Square. It received this name for the fact that prayers were read from a small balcony on the second floor, bringing good luck to merchants.

The Egyptian market houses shops selling spices and cotton. The market has its own unique smell. As soon as you enter it, you will be greeted with these unique scents. In the shops of the bazaar selling spices, you can buy bags of spices, ready-made, as well as by weight. Some spices (cinnamon, for example) were previously sold here literally worth their weight in gold. Stores selling dried fruits and nuts have a no less mesmerizing effect. They contain all varieties of pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts, figs, dried apricots, raisins and coconuts.

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Topic: Egyptian market (Misir Carsisi) description and photos - Turkey: Istanbul.Egyptian market (Misir Carsisi) description and photos - Turkey: Istanbul

Author: Kelly Costine