Museum of the history of the city of Gomel description and photos - Belarus: Gomel (Topic)

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Museum of the history of the city of Gomel description and photos - Belarus: Gomel

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Museum of the history of the city of Gomel description and photos - Belarus: Gomel

Museum of the history of the city of Gomel description and photos - Belarus: Gomel. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photos and a map showing the nearest significant objects.

Photo and description

The Museum of the History of the City of Gomel was opened in the historical building "Hunting Lodge" of the estate of Count NP Rumyantsev in 2009. 2009 was declared the “Year of the Native Land” in all Belarusian cities. Therefore, it was in this year that it was decided to create a museum of the history of his native city.

The Museum of the city of Gomel is a scientific and educational center engaged in the study and systematization of information about the history of Gomel. Here are collected interesting exhibits that tell about the Gomel region from ancient times to the present day. The museum presents permanent exhibitions: Interiors of a noble town mansion (late XIX - early XX century); History of Gomel from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century; Walks in old Gomel (late 19th - early 20th centuries).

Local residents are of great help in creating museum collections. They donate old photographs and documents to the museum, postcards with views of the city of Gomel, dishes, furniture, unique paintings and art objects.

In addition to permanent exhibitions, the museum hosts various thematic exhibitions of artists, sculptors, and craftsmen. Meetings with artists and writers, lectures are held here, extensive educational work is carried out among young people and schoolchildren, holidays, master classes are held.

The Museum of the History of the city of Gomel takes part in the international action "Night of Museums", held in all European cities with the aim of popularizing museums among young people. One summer night, participating museums open their doors to visitors and organize theatrical shows on historical themes.

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Topic: Museum of the history of the city of Gomel description and photos - Belarus: Gomel.Museum of the history of the city of Gomel description and photos - Belarus: Gomel

Author: Kelly Costine