Brest. Recreation and entertainment (Topic)

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Brest. Recreation and entertainment

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The city has a huge number of places where you can eat tasty and fairly inexpensively. There are especially many cafes and restaurants on the main pedestrian street of the city - Sovetskaya. The city's restaurants offer visitors to try not only Belarusian cuisine, but the cuisines of other nations and countries of the whole world.

Most of the shops and boutiques are also located on Sovetskaya Street. You can buy absolutely everything in them - from fishing tackle to various brands.

The best souvenirs are sold at the Slavyanka Folk Products Factory. And it is fashionable to buy the best Belarusian knitwear at retail and wholesale in the Old Town market.


Brest Fortress. The Brest Fortress is the main tourist attraction in the city of Brest. The fortress is located in the west of the city, right on the border of Belarus with Poland.

Erected in the first half of the 19th century as the most modern defensive structure at that time, the fortress was subsequently expanded several times by external bastions and forts. However, the greatest interest among tourists is the Citadel (central island) and the fortifications closest to it, which are associated with many dramatic and tragic historical events. The famous Brest Peace of Russia with Germany in 1918 was concluded in the Brest Fortress; it survived the assault of the German troops of Guderian in 1939. But the most famous event associated with the Brest Fortress, its heroic defense by the troops of the Red Army in the most difficult conditions of complete encirclement in the summer of 1941 at the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, to which the Memorial Complex"Brest Fortress" is dedicated, annually receiving tens of thousands of guests.


Historical and Archaeological Museum"Berestye". An interesting historical and archaeological museum is located on the territory of the Brest Fortress. Berestye is a kind of ancient town of the remains of 224 wooden buildings erected in the 13th century. This town is located between the Western Bug and the branch of the Mukhavets River.

You can learn about the structure of the town by the outbuildings and residential buildings, as well as courtyard floors.

St. Nicholas Garrison Cathedral. This cathedral was built on the territory of the Brest Fortress on the site where the Augustinian church was once located. The funds for the temple were collected by the officers of the garrison and the clergy. After the First World War, the cathedral ended up on the territory of Poland and was converted into a church, having undergone significant changes. In 1939 Brest became a Soviet city, and the cathedral was rebuilt again, but this time into a garrison club. During the defense of the fortress in the summer of 1941, the cathedral was badly damaged and rebuilt only in the 1990s. Since 1994, the cathedral functions again as a church institution.

Nicholas Brotherhood Church. In 1904, the Orthodox brotherhood of Brest built a wooden church in Brest. This building was destroyed by fire in 1895. The sailors allocated money for its restoration, since the church was built in honor of the patron saint of the navy - Nikolai. The missing amount was allocated by the Emperor Nicholas II himself when he heard about the noble deed of the sailors. The church was opened in 1906. In 2005, a monument to the sailors who participated in the Russian-Japanese war was erected in front of the church.

St. Simeon's Cathedral. This cathedral was founded in 1862 in honor of the Monk Simeon the Stylite. In 1865, a religious procession took place to the new church from the fortress. In 1980-1990, the temple was restored, its interior painting was especially renewed. In 1995, a particle of the relics of the Monk Martyr Athanasius was brought to the church. Then the relics of other saints were brought to the church. Among them are the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker, Sergius of Radonezh, Euphrosyne of Polotsk and many others.

Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. This cathedral was erected in 1856. It is made in the style of late classicism. In 1948 the cathedral was closed, in 1950-1957 it was rebuilt, and until 1990 it housed a museum. The architecture of this building is characterized by symmetry, modest decor and laconic forms. The main facade is decorated with two towers and a triangular pediment, shoulder blades, cornice with belts, niches, panels and other various elements. The entrance is underlined by a rectangular porch.

Holy Resurrection Cathedral. This cathedral was built quite recently, in the year of the 50th anniversary of the victory in the Second World War. It is the largest Orthodox church in the city. The five domes of the temple symbolize Jesus Christ and the evangelical apostles.

Trinity Church. Trotsky Church is one of the oldest monuments of ancient architecture in Belarus. Its construction began in the 15th century and ended only at the end of the 16th century. In the niches, cornices and facade of the building, the features of the Renaissance are strongly visible. The peculiarity of the church is a round tower on one of the side facades.


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Topic: Brest. Recreation and entertainment.Brest. Recreation and entertainment

Author: Kelly Costine