Geography and Climate in Jiamusi (Topic)

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Geography and Climate in Jiamusi

Rating: 7,5/10 (2604 votes)
Jiamusi is a small city by Chinese standards with a population of one and a half million people. It is located in the northeastern part of the country on the Songhua River and is the administrative center of Heilujiang Province. Before receiving the status of Jiamusi city, it was called Dongxing.

You can get to Jiamusi from almost any city in China - Godao highway 221 passes through it. There is also an airport in the city.

The climate in Jiamusi is monsoon continental. It is very cold in winter - the temperature drops to -28 ° C. The annual precipitation is 530 millimeters. There are only 140 frost-free days a year.

Time is four hours ahead of Moscow time.

Topic: Geography and Climate in Jiamusi.Geography and Climate in Jiamusi

Author: Kelly Costine
