Information about the resort of Lille in France (Topic)

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Information about the resort of Lille in France

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Lille is a city that has preserved the spirit of ancient Europe, therefore the main direction of tourism here is associated with excursions. Lille has a lot to see, what to visit and where to spend your money. Along with sights that can be several centuries old, Lille has many shopping centers, markets and boutiques. There may be sales centers adjacent to high-end shops, and Lille is also known for one of the largest European bookstores.


The main attraction and one of the official symbols of Lille is the building of the Old Town Hall. This Renaissance monument was built in the middle of the 17th century, when local merchants and bankers needed a building to negotiate and conclude contracts. Until the 20th century, the territory of the exchange was closed to ordinary residents of the city, but now it is a favorite place not only for citizens, but also for tourists. Several generations of local residents associate traditions with the courtyard of the Old Exchange. For many years now, every summer chess lovers have gathered here, who can even arrange some kind of championships. Dance evenings, which are held every Sunday, have become traditional here. A number of the premises of the exchange are occupied by shops: the largest flower market in the city and the department of second-hand books are located here.

The main museum in Lille is the Museum, or as it is commonly called here, Palace of Fine Arts. According to well-known historical documents, it is almost the first museum dedicated to art in France. The luxurious present building was finally completed only by 1892, at that time the museum funds had existed for a century. The current collection of the museum is second only to the Louvre in value; it contains canvases and sculptures by masters of the Renaissance, works by artists of the 19th and 20th centuries. The uniqueness of the exposition lies in exhibitions atypical for such museums, for example, here an entire hall is dedicated to models of several cities in France.


One of the oldest churches in Lille is the Gothic Church of St. Mauritius. The temple has a very long history of its construction and a very atypical interior appearance for churches of this kind. It began to be built back in the XIV century, and the final construction work was completed only in the 19th century. The temple is not only a place of services, but also a repository of a number of valuable works of art - works of French sculptors and painters from all over Europe. The church is often the first place to visit in Lille, as it is a five-minute walk from the train station.

A more modern version of Lille's Gothic architecture is the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, built in the 19th century. This neo-Gothic masterpiece is valuable not only for the fact of its construction, but also for its unique interior decoration. Despite the small age for an architectural monument, the local stained glass windows are already included in the list of historical heritage of France.

The building of the Opera de Lille is an architectural monument of the early 20th century. The neoclassical building was completed by the beginning of the First World War, and in 1923 it was completely restored. The bright facade of the Opera immediately attracts the attention of city visitors with a unique stucco and sculptural composition depicting Apollo surrounded by his muses. The last restoration and modernization of the interior of the Opera was carried out in 2003, since then the theater stage has been used for the most significant productions of Lille.

Museum Charles de Gaulle - a modest mansion on a quiet rue de Lille, where the future political leader of France was born in 1890. The exposition is funded at the state level and is kept in perfect condition. The former home of de Gaulle's grandmother contains many things related to childhood, adolescence and the career of the French leader. In addition, experienced guides tell about the history of France during the reign of de Gaulle.

For children, the local Zoo will certainly be a favorite vacation spot in Lille. It exists not so long ago, the first enclosures began to appear here by the 50s of the last century, and the menagerie zones were finally formed only in 1980. Now there are six geographical zones covering the fauna of the entire planet.
covering the fauna of the entire planet.
covering the fauna of the entire planet.

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Topic: Information about the resort of Lille in France.Information about the resort of Lille in France

Author: Kelly Costine