Rating: 7,5/10 (220 votes) Luhur Batukaru is one of the most memorable temples in Bali, where, as you know, “there are more temples than houses”. Luhur Batukaru is located on the densely forested slopes of the mountain of the same name, at an altitude of about 700 meters above sea level and is often shrouded in thick fog. Luhur Batukaru was once the main sanctuary of the Tabanan dynasty, and it owes its construction to the great Hindu sage Empu Kuturan. At the very beginning of the 17th century, the temple was completely destroyed and remained in this state until 1959, although this did not prevent believers from coming to the sacred place, praying and performing divine services. The main temple building is called Meru, consists of seven levels and is dedicated to the powerful god of the mountains, Maha Devi. A little lower there is a small bathing house, into which water comes from a mountain river. Every year, many tourists and pilgrims visit Luhur Batukara, in addition, the Indonesian king himself sometimes drops in here. The climate of the alpine region, in which the temple is located, is much colder than in the rest of Indonesia, moreover, there is frequent precipitation, but this fact rarely stops travelers, as the views of fantastic beauty open up from the height. We also recommend reading Taman Ayun Temple in Indonesia, Bali Resort Topic: Luhur Batukaru Temple in Indonesia, Bali Resort. |