Bomarsund in Finland, Aland Islands resort (Topic)

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Bomarsund in Finland, Aland Islands resort

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Bomarsund is a fortress on the Aland Islands, built in 1832 by the Russian Empire and destroyed by the Anglo-French fleet in 1854 year.

It was originally planned to build fortified structures in the area of Bomarsund, based on the bastion defense systems, developed from the 16th century in Europe and by the beginning of the 19th century are already obsolete.

A plan based on the concept was adopted for construction French engineer Montalembert, implying that the siege is, in the first turn, the battle of the gunners. Therefore, buildings were built from several floors, on each floor of which guns were installed. This system needed in the creation of complex structures and a huge garrison to maintain them.

Bomarsund is on the seashore and must keep defense both from land and sea. To resist naval attacks was a stone fort was built with a large number of cannons. All defensive the structures of the fortress were surrounded by a wall with glacis.

The Aland Islands became part of the Russian Empire after Russian-Swedish war 1808-1809 So the archipelago became the westernmost outpost. states; a garrison was placed here, and soon construction began military fortress. Since 1809, Russian engineers have carried out cartographic measurement and design of the fort. All major preparatory work was completed within a year, but soon, due to the beginning of the Patriotic War 1812 and the death of the commander Barclay de Tolly, who was in charge of the construction, the construction of the fort was stopped. The work was resumed after In 1820 Nicholas I visited the Aland Islands. Since 1830, an active construction: first, wooden barracks and other structures were built for military and prisoners sent for construction (about a thousand person). The main fort was built in 1832-1844, in 1839 it was erected Orthodox church. In 1842 and 1844, two towers were built to protect Bomarsund from naval attacks from the north. Two years later, warehouses were built and new hospital. Over the next few years, the hospital, warehouses and three towers, only one of which was completed. Construction was stopped due to the fact that the fortress was transferred to martial law. IN during the Crimean War, the fortress was captured by the British and destroyed. In 1856 year, the Paris Peace Treaty was concluded, according to which the Aland Islands and today they are a demilitarized zone.
Ruin Bomarsund fortresses were used as building materials for many buildings. In particular, these are residential buildings on the islands, the Assumption Cathedral in Helsinki and other structures. The fortress was never restored, but the cannons and today they look out of dilapidated walls into the sea. ImageImageImageImageImageImage

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Topic: Bomarsund in Finland, Aland Islands resort.Bomarsund in Finland, Aland Islands resort

Author: Kelly Costine