Cutty Sark Tea Clipper UK Resort London (Topic)

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Cutty Sark Tea Clipper UK Resort London

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The Cutty Sark Tea Clipper is a tea clipper built in 1869, one of the most famous and the only one that has survived to this day. Today it is dry dock in Greenwich.

Clipper was designed by Hercules Linton, built and launched the Clyde River in November 1869 in Dumbarton, Scotland. The vessel was ordered by Captain John"White Top Hat" Willis, who needed the fastest the world's ship to transport tea from China to Britain.

Races were popular among clipper carriers at the time tea; the first to arrive at the port was given several times more money than the rest. Teams of tea clippers were interested financially, and traders quickly obtained high quality tea, not spoiled by exposure sea water and the smells of a sailboat's hold.

Clipper captain John Willis named the ship after the Scottish witches Nan Short Shirt, whose name for many centuries frightened little children. In those days, people were very superstitious, they were afraid of black cats, they did not like number 13 and tried not to go to sea on Friday, so Willis's team asked to change the name, thinking that it would bring them bad luck. But Willis was adamant. Clipper became the luckiest ship of all sailing teahouses fleet.  

A year before the launch of the Cutty Sark clipper, another clipper, Thermopylae, also carried tea. Nautical the quality of this clipper was very high, he won the first tea race easily and confident."Cutty Sark" became famous in 1872, when in the next tea regatta caught up with the clipper of Thermopylae, which left the port for several hours earlier. They came to Shanghai at the same time. On the way back"Cutty Sark" lost the steering wheel, but Willis built a new one, so the clipper got into port for only a week later than his opponent.

For 25 years, the two vessels have been vying. But soon Ceylon tea market opened, sailing to China was not as profitable as earlier. Tea clippers began to go to Australia for wool, overcoming constant storms and storms. On one of the trips, the clipper lost all masts, but soon has been restored.

Over time, sailing ships were replaced by steam courts. Cutty Sark was resold several times and eventually got to Wilfred Douman, who restored his original appearance. The captain used a sailboat as a training ship, and in 1954 the clipper was put to eternal rest in dry dock Greenwich.
IN 2007 year on the clipper there was a strong fire that destroyed almost the entire wooden planking of the ship. The London authorities allocated funds for its restoration, in spring 2012, the ship was opened to visitors. Clipper is very popular attraction. It is located in the city center, nearby houses Greenwich Park, the National Maritime Museum, formerly Greenwich hospital. ImageImageImageImage

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Topic: Cutty Sark Tea Clipper UK Resort London.Cutty Sark Tea Clipper UK Resort London

Author: Kelly Costine
