Addenbrook Clinic, Cambridge Resort UK (Topic)

Traval Articles » Travel » Addenbrook Clinic, Cambridge Resort UK

Addenbrook Clinic, Cambridge Resort UK

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ImageThe Addenbrook Clinic is a Cambridge-based clinic that is recognized worldwide as an important teaching and research center. This clinic is one of the oldest medical and educational institutions. It was founded in 1766 in accordance with the will of Dr. John Addenbrook, a professor at Cambridge University, who left 4,500 pounds sterling for the construction of the hospital. For more than two centuries, the clinic was located in a building on Trumpington Street, and only since 1976 has it been located in the southern part of the city, becoming part of the Cambridge Biomedical Center, for a long time called New Addenbrook. The old building of the clinic now houses a business school. The clinic is run by a trust that is not part of the University of Cambridge. But there has long been cooperation between the university and the clinic. The University of Cambridge Medical School is also based in Addenbrook. The Addenbrook Clinic provides a wide range of services in a wide variety of areas of medicine: neurology, transplantology, maxillofacial surgery, the study of rare types of cancer and many others. Adjacent to Addenbrook is the Rosie Hospital specializing in obstetrics, gynecology and maternity. It is planned in the future to build a Children's Medical Center next to Rosie Hospital. Twice a year, the Addenbrook Clinic holds an open day, when anyone can visit those parts of the clinic where access is closed on normal days. ImageImageImageImage

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Topic: Addenbrook Clinic, Cambridge Resort UK.Addenbrook Clinic, Cambridge Resort UK

Author: Kelly Costine
