Trinity Hospital (Abbott Hospital) UK, Guildford Resort (Topic)

Traval Articles » Travel » Trinity Hospital (Abbott Hospital) UK, Guildford Resort

Trinity Hospital (Abbott Hospital) UK, Guildford Resort

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ImageHospital of the Holy Trinity (Abbott Hospital) is a hospital located in the ancient British city of Guildford. Founded in 1619 by the Archbishop of Canterbury George Abbott. The hospital was not originally a hospital, literally a hospital. He played a different role, was the oldest nursing home in the country. It was designed for 12 single elderly men and 8 women. Men were required to work in the garden, perform routine repairs, and women were required to cook, clean up the house, and take care of the sick. Those who lived here were called brothers and sisters, and wore blue cloaks and headdresses. Once a week, they received a salary of 2 shillings 6 pence. That was enough for a loaf of bread, a pint of peas, half a pound of cheese, and a couple of pints of weak beer a day. The hospital building is an example of the Georgian architectural style. The dark red brick building of the hospital is decorated with turrets and arches and is located on the main city street. Opposite is the Church of the Holy Trinity, which houses the remains of Archbishop George Abbott, the founder of the hospital. Today, the Holy Trinity Hospital is home to 13 single elderly men. In 1984, a new building was built on the territory of the hospital, where no more than seven elderly couples can live. Residents, if necessary, are provided with professional medical assistance. ImageImageImageImage

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Topic: Trinity Hospital (Abbott Hospital) UK, Guildford Resort.Trinity Hospital (Abbott Hospital) UK, Guildford Resort

Author: Kelly Costine
