Gallery of precious stones in Finland, Kemi resort (Topic)

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Gallery of precious stones in Finland, Kemi resort

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The Gallery of Gems is a unique gallery opened in the city of Kem, in the building of the old maritime customs house, built in 1912 by the architect Walter Thomen in the Art Nouveau style. Here is the largest collection in Europe, which contains more than three thousand precious stones, minerals and jewelry, transferred to the collection in 1994 by the jeweler Teivo Urua, who has collected various stones since childhood. The collector found stones or bought them while traveling around the world.

Among the most interesting exhibits is a golden crown weighing about two kilograms, decorated with four large pearls. This crown was made especially for the only uncrowned king of Finland - Vaino. Besides, the exhibition features several copies of the crowns of monarchs of Great Britain and Scandinavia and an astonishing replica of Marie Antoinette's necklace, set with 647 diamonds.

Having visited the museum, you will learn many stories about the life of different kings, their jesters and the court in general, directly related to precious stones and jewelry. In the shop at the gallery you can buy a lucky stone, various jewelry, toys, souvenirs, books, postcards and stamps.

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Topic: Gallery of precious stones in Finland, Kemi resort.Gallery of precious stones in Finland, Kemi resort

Author: Kelly Costine