Place Saint-Michel in France, Paris resort (Topic)

Traval Articles » Travel » Place Saint-Michel in France, Paris resort

Place Saint-Michel in France, Paris resort

Rating: 8,6/10 (503 votes)

A 19th century square, now a roadway and a crossroads of several roads in Paris.

Tourists are interested not so much in the square itself as in the fountain built on the side of the square in 1855.

The fountain is a whole sculptural composition dedicated to the Archangel Michael. In the center of the fountain is the statue of Michael killing Satan. On the side of the main sculpture, there are two statues of mythical griffins, from whose jaws water flows.

Not far from the fountain and the square, you can see another Parisian landmark & ndash; Palace of Justice.

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Topic: Place Saint-Michel in France, Paris resort.Place Saint-Michel in France, Paris resort

Author: Kelly Costine