Palazzo Badia Vecchia in Italy, Sicily resort (Topic)

Traval Articles » Travel » Palazzo Badia Vecchia in Italy, Sicily resort

Palazzo Badia Vecchia in Italy, Sicily resort

Rating: 8,2/10 (800 votes)

The Badia Vecchia Palace is an old Gothic building dating back to the 14th century. In the middle of the 20th century, the city municipality bought the building, after which restoration work was carried out in it. The palace was soon abandoned again.

Externally, the palace is very similar to a fortress, which is not surprising, – palace   was built as a bastion to protect the northern part of the city. The parapet wall, on the top of which there are loopholes, gives a great austerity to the palace.

In fact, the palace was previously a monastery, as evidenced by the sacred drawings that were found here.

Traces of Norman and Arab influences can be traced in the architecture of the palace. The facade is decorated with a frieze made of white Syracuse stone and local volcanic lava. The side windows are decorated with pointed arches.


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Topic: Palazzo Badia Vecchia in Italy, Sicily resort.Palazzo Badia Vecchia in Italy, Sicily resort

Author: Kelly Costine
