Linden Museum in Germany, Stuttgart spa (Topic)

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Linden Museum in Germany, Stuttgart spa

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The Linden Museum is a state museum of ethnography and one of the most important ethnographic museums in Europe. The museum consists of seven main parts – The Muslim East, Africa, South Asia, East Asia, North America, Latin America, Oceania. The museum also often organizes special exhibitions.

Leading regional representatives of the economy in 1882 founded the Wurttemberg Society for Trade Geography and the Development of German Interests Abroad. The purpose of the society was to promote and develop geography, culture and economy. The chairman of the society was Count Karl Heinrich von Linden. In 1889 the Museum of Trade Geography was transformed into the Museum of Ethnography. An impressive contribution to the development of the museum was made by Wilhelm II.

The building for the museum was decided to be built on the square. Hegel, in the central part of Stuttgart. Several architects were involved in the design of the building in the neoclassical style - and ndash; Georg Ezer, Geord F. Bill and Alfred Wolza. In May 1911, the grand opening of the museum took place.

In addition to exhibitions, the museum presents a multifaceted program of events – reports, thematic festivals, seminars, concerts, ceremonial and dance performances, as well as children's events.

In the « Africa '' you can get acquainted with African culture. Here are exhibits telling about the Christian traditions of Ethiopia, the sacred kingdoms of Cameroon, as well as about other peoples and cultures of the continent.

In the section"Muslim East" there is a unique collection of ceramics, calligraphy and architectural fragments. In the section you can also see a collection of exhibits telling about the culture of Central Asia.

In the section"East Asia" houses a collection dedicated to the cultures of Japan and China, touching upon the theme of funeral ceremonies. Here one can observe ritual objects used for burials and figurative ceramics. Lacquerware deserves special attention, handicraft and painting.

In the section"South Asia" you can get acquainted with the religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism) and the culture of India. The section contains objects of religious cult of Nepal, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Tibet.

Section"Latin America" will introduce you to the various forms of life of peoples, starting from ancient times.

In the section"North America"; exhibits on the history and culture of the Inuit and Indians are on display. Shown here are six indigenous peoples illustrating the variety of cultures in North America.


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Topic: Linden Museum in Germany, Stuttgart spa.Linden Museum in Germany, Stuttgart spa

Author: Kelly Costine