Prague Zoo in the Czech Republic, Prague spa (Topic)

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Prague Zoo in the Czech Republic, Prague spa

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The Prague Zoo today is the largest zoo in the Czech Republic and one of the largest in Europe.

The first zoos in Czechoslovakia began to appear even during the first Czech rulers as private menageries. The Prague Zoo reached its peak during the reign of Rudolf II, but fell into decay during the Thirty Years War (1618-1648).

The zoo was revived again only in 1921, when the government decided to build a zoological garden in the Troy depression. The construction took about 10 years. Initially, the zoo occupied an area of 8 hectares, and had 200 species of animals. Subsequently, the zoo actively developed and by the beginning of the XXI century was already located on an area of 60 hectares.

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Topic: Prague Zoo in the Czech Republic, Prague spa.Prague Zoo in the Czech Republic, Prague spa

Author: Kelly Costine