Senado Square in China, Macau Resort (Topic)

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Senado Square in China, Macau Resort

Rating: 8,1/10 (1724 votes)

This main square of the city is decorated with wave-shaped mosaics by Portuguese specialists. For many centuries this square has been the center of the city's life. Now there are benches, fountains, walking paths, cafes and even a special place for various social events.

On one side of the square is the Bureau of Civil and Municipal Affairs, which used to be Royal Senate, and directly opposite is the House of Mercy, built in the 16th century. This house – the oldest western charity building in all of China.

On the other side of the square is the Church of St. Dominic, which is a fine example of Baroque architecture. The cathedral was created by Dominican monks in the 17th century. It is famous for its wooden ceiling, altar, as well as statues and some other art, most of which can be seen in the museum housed in the old tower.  


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Topic: Senado Square in China, Macau Resort.Senado Square in China, Macau Resort

Author: Kelly Costine