Dangers in Israel (Topic)

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Dangers in Israel

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Image Israel is constantly suffering at the hands of terrorists

Israel is a very specific destination for tourism. On the one hand, the country is quite safe, there are no special infections on its territory, vaccinations are not required for the trip, food and food do not pose a threat. But this country often suffers at the hands of terrorists. Consider what dangers tourists are exposed to while in Israel.

Terrorism in Israel
As mentioned earlier, the main danger for tourists in Israel is terrorist attacks. The inhabitants of this country often become victims of terrorists, and deaths are by no means uncommon. Suicide bombings in public places are not ruled out, and cases of missile attacks on Israel from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of the Jordan River are not uncommon.

Image Terrorism in Israel

Among the most cities vulnerable to missile attack include:

  • Ashdod

  • Beer Sheva

  • Mindfulness is the best defense against terrorism. In crowded places, one should constantly be vigilant, distrust people in jackets or coats - it is in these items of clothing that attackers usually carry explosive devices, while it is usually tightly buttoned. Agree, a man in a coat in hot weather raises certain questions. Terrorists can also be nervous, bypassing security and police. You should not show aggression towards the security personnel who asked you to show your documents. Safety on the streets depends on it. At the entrance to a store or cafe, you may also be asked to show your belongings and documents. Security guards also accompany tourists on most of the excursions.

    If the circumstances are tragic and you still hear the explosion, then the first thing to do is to fall to the ground, curled up and covering your head with your hands.

    Image Bomb shelter at the bus stop, Sedroth

    In the event of a rocket attack, residents of cities and villages are notified with an alarm signal, upon hearing which they should immediately go down to the nearest bomb shelter. As a last resort, a basement or space under a bridge can serve as a shelter.

    Natural hazards in Israel

    Another dangerous inhabitant of Israel is the jellyfish. These marine life accumulate off the coast of the country twice during the summer - in early June and mid-July. A burn on the body after contact with a jellyfish can turn into scars or blisters. The affected area should be urgently rinsed with water or the wound should be scrubbed by throwing sand on the body.


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    Topic: Dangers in Israel.Dangers in Israel

    Author: Kelly Costine