How Christmas is celebrated and celebrated in Ireland. Christmas traditions in Ireland (Topic)

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How Christmas is celebrated and celebrated in Ireland. Christmas traditions in Ireland

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The streets of Ireland on holiday

Christmas in Ireland is a whole religious festival. Here they are very sensitive to the observance of traditions and customs, and most of the time of the holiday is spent with family and loved ones. Loud parties and gatherings, all kinds of corporate parties fall on the pre-Christmas period. Christmas is celebrated according to the Catholic calendar, from December 24 to 26. However, preparations for the holiday start as early as 4 weeks before.

Prepare for the holiday.

It is very important for Irish people to get their homes ready for Christmas. They do the cleaning, clean out all the trash, wash the dishes, clean up the garden. Further, the dwelling is decorated: a Christmas tree must be placed, garlands, tinsel and toys are hung, holly branches are placed on fireplaces, and mistletoe is usually hung in doorways. Families with children often use figurines of deer, snowmen, Santa Claus, etc. to decorate. Believers observe fasting during this time.

How Ireland works at Christmas.

Ireland is NOT at Christmas works. Absolutely. All shops (99%), bars, cafes, public transport, restaurants, government agencies and taxis take the weekend from December 24 to 26. Everything that is needed for the celebration in Ireland is prepared in advance. The only place to go on Christmas Day in Ireland is church.Image

Christmas tree

Celebration of Christmas.

The celebration of Christmas in Ireland lasts for three days: December 24 - Christmas Eve, December 25 - Christmas and December 26 - Wren's Day. On Christmas Eve, the youngest member of the family lights a candle to symbolize the hospitality of the home. Until 12 at night, the space under the tree is filled with gifts for all family members. It should be noted that gifts are given not only to family members, but in general to everyone with whom they had to deal with during the year: hairdressers, teachers, postmen, etc. On Christmas Day, people gather around the festive table, eating traditional dishes, drinking drinks, singing Christmas carols, and blowing up firecrackers and bon-bon candies. The Christmas lunch takes place from 1 pm to 3 pm. On the morning of Christmas, all participants in the holiday sort out their gifts, try them on, rejoice and thank each other. On December 26, the celebration of Wren's Day, or St. Stephen's Day, begins. There are many legends that connect these two characters, but the truth is not known to anyone. In most of them, the Wren dies, which symbolizes the death of the old and the birth of the new. On this day, processions take place on the streets, in which young men put on outfits made of straw and play up the capture and killing of a bird, using an artificial figure or its image.

Festive table.

Plum pudding is considered the main dish of the Christmas table. It consists of 13 ingredients that symbolize Christ with the disciples. The pudding is poured over brandy and set on fire, which should convey the suffering of Christ. In addition to pudding, there is poultry stuffed with potatoes and cranberry sauce on the table (goose, turkey, duck), stewed Brussels sprouts with carrots, poultry soup with vegetables, ham pies and Irish stew. The Irish drink mulled wine, Irish coffee and tea on this day. The holiday menu is here not only for the Christmas lunch itself, but also for the whole day.Image

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Topic: How Christmas is celebrated and celebrated in Ireland. Christmas traditions in Ireland.How Christmas is celebrated and celebrated in Ireland. Christmas traditions in Ireland

Author: Kelly Costine