Dangers in Paris (Topic)

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Dangers in Paris

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Paris – a city of eternal romantic mood, exquisite taste and spirit of adventure and real art. This is how he is described in literature, songs and classic films. The reality of the French capital is much more prosaic – and serious crimes are committed on its streets and deceive people.

Rest in Paris may well be overshadowed by meetings with migrants, pickpocketing or indecent behavior of local residents. All this can be really avoided if you follow the elementary safety rules of a tourist who decided to choose Paris as a vacation spot.

Consider possible dangers from the city itself, namely – from its dysfunctional neighborhoods, which have gained notoriety in the tourist environment.

Dangerous areas of Paris

In general, Paris – it is a fairly civilized city, but there are several areas that tourists should avoid during their travels.

The most dangerous area is considered to be near the North and Western stations cities. Indians live here, as well as people from Arab countries and Africa. This area is close enough to the center, but this does not make it safe – the crime rate is high here and they do not like 'strangers'.


Gare de Paris

The legendary Bois de Boulogne in the west of Paris – is no longer a place for royal hunting and romantic evening walks. As dusk falls, pimps gather here and shamelessly display their 'merchandise'. In addition to girls of easy virtue, drug dealers and other criminals often walk in the park, which makes the popular landmark of Paris one of the most dangerous places in the city.

Another not very pleasant place to relax – this is the Belleville metro station. It is the heart of the Chinese region, gradually turning into an Arab bazaar. On one side of this station, a boulevard with call girls begins, and on the other side they sell stolen things. But there are not so many hotels here, so it is difficult to settle here, even on purpose, not to mention the occasional settlement in the area.

The Montmartre area is rather unattractive and dangerous for tourists, and to be more specific, Pigalle Boulevard. Pigalle is still a red light district, and Montmartre – this is a real maze of streets and stairs, where you can not only get lost, but also run into trouble.


Boulevard Pigalle

Fraud and theft

The greatest danger in Paris, as and in any other city with a million tourists, they represent crowded places. Almost all pickpockets in the city have been spotted at least a few times. in Montmartre or the Champs Elysees.

Any other crowded place is also ideal for theft – therefore it is worth keeping bags in sight, and pockets – always zipped.

Women's bags – a separate reason to talk about theft. In Paris, they are often ripped off by moped robbers, of which there are thousands, if not millions, in France. Of course, you shouldn't suspect every person on the bike, but the bag should always be worn over your shoulder, or better - – use special belts with protection against thieves.

Particular vigilance should be exercised in the Paris Metro – according to statistics, up to 25% of crimes in the city take place in the subway, or at the exit from the passage. Here tourists can be waited by gangs of migrants, gypsies or local robbers.


Paris Metro

Cases of car thefts have increased in Paris. A rented car can attract criminals through an open window or by leaving valuable things on the seat.

Speaking of scammers, one cannot but mention the famous Parisian beggars, who in one go can become richer tourist. Alms on the Parisian streets are absolutely impossible, and if they try to start a conversation with you – do not hesitate to walk by with a confident step.

Another popular way to deceive tourists is – it is a sale of a 'gift'. You are being handed some kind of trinket, which will cost a symbolic 10 euros, but in reality – This is trash of Asian production with an overpriced several times. The first rule here is – do not pick up anything and confidently refuse such `` gifts. ''

Code of Conduct

Paris, like any major European city, has its own code of conduct that is worth following all tourists.

For example, may not dress like a typical tourist. Vulgar berets and striped sweaters have been out of fashion for over a century, and such outfits can only cause ridicule among the native Parisians.

You also need to observe the dress code in restaurants, theaters and other cultural institutions. Some restaurants are not allowed without a tie, but somewhere – a tuxedo or other sophisticated style is required. The French are sensitive to the external appearance, and tradition should not be broken.

The rules of politeness in Paris are the same for everyone – even if the waiter in the restaurant is rude, you should answer him as politely and courteously as possible. In this case, well-trained employees understand that they acted tactlessly and are corrected. The same goes for hotel staff.

Despite all the dubious nuances, Paris is one of the cities worth visiting for everyone! Choose a tour and experience the romance of France.

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Topic: Dangers in Paris.Dangers in Paris

Author: Kelly Costine