Church of Santa Maria del Carmine description and photos - Italy: Pavia (Topic)

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Church of Santa Maria del Carmine description and photos - Italy: Pavia

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Church of Santa Maria del Carmine description and photos - Italy: Pavia

Church of Santa Maria del Carmine description and photos - Italy: Pavia. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photographs and a map showing the nearest significant objects. The title in English is Santa Maria del Carmine.

Photo and description

Santa Maria del Carmine is a church in Pavia, considered one of the most outstanding examples of Lombard Gothic architecture. Its construction was started in 1374 by order of the Duke of Milan, Gian Galeazzo Visconti, and lasted almost a hundred years - it was only completed in 1461. The author of the project of the church is considered to be the architect Bernardo da Venice.

Santa Maria del Carmine is notable for its imposing facade that dominates the square of the same name. The simple forms of the building betray a residual Romanesque influence, but its decorations are undoubtedly of the Lombard Gothic style. The facade is divided into five vertical sections by means of six columns topped with spiers. The three central ones have portals, altered in 1854 by Giuseppe Marchesi. Above the portals there are four pointed vaulted windows and a graceful brickwork rose window. The bell tower, dating from the mid-15th century, also attracts attention - it has numerous friezes and triple vaulted windows with marble columns.

The interior of Santa Maria del Carmine is immersed in partial shade. It is made according to the plan of a Latin cross with a central nave and numerous side chapels with frescoes and paintings. The most outstanding are the second chapel with a 15th century fresco by Vincenzo Fopp, the fourth chapel with paintings by Sebastiano Ricci, the fifth chapel with the Assumption of the Virgin Mary by Bernardo Canet, the sixth chapel with the altarpieces by Guglielmo Caccia and the seventh chapel with the Gothic altarpieces donated By the Roman Pius X, and the 15th century polyptych by Bernardo da Cotignola. Frescoes from the 15th century can also be seen in the transept, and baroque stucco moldings in the sacristy.

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Topic: Church of Santa Maria del Carmine description and photos - Italy: Pavia.Church of Santa Maria del Carmine description and photos - Italy: Pavia

Author: Kelly Costine