Bedesten description and photos - Turkey: Marmaris (Topic)

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Bedesten description and photos - Turkey: Marmaris

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Bedesten description and photo - Turkey: Marmaris

Bedesten description and photos - Turkey: Marmaris. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photographs and a map showing the nearest significant objects. The name in English is Bedesten.

Photo and description

Bedestin, or as it is called "covered market", is one of the oldest monuments in Marmaris, telling about the ancient and very rich history of the city. Bedesten is the center of a huge bazaar.

About forty Bedesten stores today offer their guests a wide variety of goods. You can buy jewelry, leather, porcelain products, carpets and other interesting goods and souvenirs at the market at prices not higher than in Istanbul, but also higher than the national average.

No tourist will forgive himself if, while in the East, he visits shops in Marmaris, but forgets about the bazaar. The covered market, the most famous of its kind in Marmaris, is a sea of experiences. Your purchase here can be inexpensive factory clothes of famous Turkish quality or a simple but very elegant handmade souvenir of the Orient.

Bedesten's sellers will certainly offer you to bargain on any product, but you shouldn't refuse, since the price can really be reduced. If you visit Bedesten in Marmaris, do not forget to buy the main souvenir of the resort on the way back: coniferous or pine honey. You will not find this in any other country in the world. The Turks say: “Nature has come up with nothing more useful than pine honey.”

Tourists who are tired of the abundance of goods can relax in the famous Ottoman coffee house, which is located in the market garden. There, visitors can enjoy a cup of delicious Turkish coffee or aromatic tea, as well as relax and smoke a hookah.

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Topic: Bedesten description and photos - Turkey: Marmaris.Bedesten description and photos - Turkey: Marmaris

Author: Kelly Costine