Kurgan Regional Art Museum description and photos - Russia - Ural: Kurgan (Topic)

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Kurgan Regional Art Museum description and photos - Russia - Ural: Kurgan

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Kurgan Regional Art Museum description and photos - Russia - Ural: Kurgan

Kurgan Regional Art Museum description and photos - Russia - Ural: Kurgan. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photos and a map showing the nearest significant objects.

Photo and description

The Kurgan Regional Art Museum is one of the cultural institutions of the city of Kurgan. This is the only museum in the region that has a collection of works by Russian artists of the 20th - early 20th century. XXI century

The museum was opened in August 1982. Today it is the main center for the study, acquisition and popularization of the visual culture of the Trans-Urals. The Art Museum consists of 10 exhibition halls and one lecture hall.

The building that houses the museum today was erected in 1981 according to an individual project of the local architect Yu.I. Veshchikova. The total area of the museum is 4425 sq.m. In total, the main fund of the museum has about 8,916 items of storage, of which 1806 items are painting, 175 are sculpture, 5342 are graphics, 1088 - arts and crafts and 505 - books, metal-plastic, icons.

In the painting section of the first half of the twentieth century. you can see the canvases of O. Sokolova, A. Deineka, G. Shegal, S. Luppov, P. Konchalovsky, Y. Razumovskaya, V. Byalynitsky-Birul, L. Turzhansky, A. Savinov, N. Dormidontov and others. In the painting section of the 1950-1980s. works by P. Nikonov, L. Tabenkin, P. Ossovsky, E. Bragovsky, M. Birshtein, K. Britov, N. Andronov, S. Tkachev, V. Stozharov, E. Brainin, A. Nikich, I. Starzhenetskaya, B. Domashnikov. In addition, the museum has an extensive collection of watercolors, consisting of over 1,500 items. Its main decoration is the sheets of V. Zvontsov A. Fonvizin, V. Goryaev, L. Bruni, V. Alfeevsky and L. Soifertis.

In the section of decorative and applied arts, the review of visitors is presented with works of traditional crafts of Russia and artistic crafts of the Trans-Urals. As for the Russian culture of the XVIII-early. XX century, then it is represented by metal-plastic and icon painting, early printed and handwritten books.

The Kurgan Regional Art Museum is actively engaged in exhibition activities, promoting its own funds, developing and implementing various projects of a scientific and educational nature.

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Topic: Kurgan Regional Art Museum description and photos - Russia - Ural: Kurgan.Kurgan Regional Art Museum description and photos - Russia - Ural: Kurgan

Author: Kelly Costine