Stary Sacz description and photos - Poland: Zakopane (Topic)

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Stary Sacz description and photos - Poland: Zakopane

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Stary Sacz description and photos - Poland: Zakopane

Stary Sacz description and photos - Poland: Zakopane. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photographs and a map showing the nearest significant objects. The title in English is Stary Sacz.

Photo and description

Stary Sacz - a town in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship, founded in the 13th century, is one of the oldest towns in the country. It is a museum town that has preserved the architecture of the 14th century. Every year the city hosts a music festival of old songs, which is very popular among tourists.

The history of the city dates back to the early Middle Ages, when Saint Kunigunda of Hungary (daughter of King Bela IV of Hungary) and wife of King Boleslav V received local lands, called Sончcz, together with the surrounding villages, inherited in 1257. This year is considered the date of the foundation of the city. Saint Kunigunda founded the Clarissa monastery in Sonce in 1280, and a Franciscan monastery was established on the opposite side of the hill almost at the same time. In 1358 Sончcz received city privileges from King Casimir the Great.

The extremely advantageous location on a very busy trade route to Hungary contributed to the rapid development of the city. Unfortunately, the city was often exposed to natural disasters, it also failed to avoid floods, epidemics and wars. In 1795, during a severe fire, almost the entire city burned down. Many unique buildings perished in this fire, however, thanks to those that survived, Stary Sончcz was recognized as a museum city in 1954.

Today, the city can see the building of the former Franciscan monastery, where the city municipality. In addition, a visit to the Clarissa Monastery, where precious thirteenth-century manuscripts are kept in the library, is of particular interest. On the territory of the monastery there is a functioning Gothic Church of the Holy Trinity with exquisite decoration of the altars.

In addition to the unique medieval architecture, guests of the city can also enjoy natural attractions. There are numerous cycling routes for outdoor enthusiasts. In addition, at the junction of the Poprad and Dunajec rivers, there is a water recreation area with unique water bodies.

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Topic: Stary Sacz description and photos - Poland: Zakopane.Stary Sacz description and photos - Poland: Zakopane

Author: Kelly Costine