Livonian Order castle ruins (Rezeknes pilsdrupas) description and photos - Latvia: Rezekne (Topic)

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Livonian Order castle ruins (Rezeknes pilsdrupas) description and photos - Latvia: Rezekne

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Ruins of the Livonian Order castle (Rezeknes pilsdrupas) description and photos - Latvia: Rezekne

Ruins of the Livonian Order castle (Rezeknes pilsdrupas) description and photos - Latvia: Rezekne. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photographs and a map showing the nearest significant objects. Title in English - Rezeknes pilsdrupas.

Photo and description

It is believed that the Rezekne castle was built in 1285 by the knight Wilhelm von Schauerburg (known as Vilekin von Endorp), who was the master of the Livonian Order at the time. Perhaps the castle was built on the site of a former settlement. This castle is ranked among the order castles of the first generation, i.e. those that were built from large muddy boulders. Castles of the second generation in Livonia were built of bricks already in the 14th century.

Over the entire period of its existence, the castle had different names. The Germans called it Rozitten, during the Polish rule it was called Zizica, the Russians called it Rezitsa (later Rezitsa), during the times of the Republic of Latvia, the castle was named Rezekne.

Until the middle of the 16th century, the Rezekne Castle was the seat of the Vogt of the Livonian Order. In the 15th and early 16th centuries. the fortress in Rezekne becomes one of the most important defensive points on the eastern side of the Order. During the Livonian War (1558-1583), the castle was captured by the troops of Ivan the Terrible. In the following years, Rezekne Castle changed its owners several times. Throughout its long history, the castle has repeatedly become a battlefield. Naturally, it gradually collapsed, the premises fell into desolation. At the end of the 17th century. nobody lived in the Rezekne castle. Thus, already in the 16th century, the state of Rezekne Castle was deplorable. And in the 18th century, the castle was dismantled, according to official permission, by local residents for their own buildings. Only some fragments of the walls have survived to this day.

The surviving foundations on the ruins of Rezekne Castle indicate that there were numerous buildings here: grain barns, barns for cattle and horses, forges, living quarters. Along the lines of the foundation, you can restore the general picture of the once existing fortress. The main premises were located in the east, north and west wings, on the south side the main tower towered.

Several legends are connected with Rezekne Castle. After the death of the ruler of the Volckenburg castle, his 3 daughters became heirs, between whom the vast possessions of the castle were divided. The first castle was built by Rosa, it was named Rezekne, and later both Lucia (Ludzu) and Maria (Vilaku).

According to another legend, Rosa sits on a golden throne in the castle dungeon today. The rose is guarded by two dogs. On one side a dog on a gold chain on the other, on silver. Every 9 years, on Easter night, Rosa leaves her throne and goes to look for a young man who will save her from the spell. To do this, you need to take its golden cross and sprinkle it with holy Easter water. Many have already tried to save the girl in this way, but nothing worked, devils and all kinds of evil spirits interfered with them. Those who were not afraid of evil spirits could not carry the cross to the church, as it became very heavy. When they threw the cross to the ground, a quiet cry was heard, and Rose fell through for the next long 9 years.

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Topic: Livonian Order castle ruins (Rezeknes pilsdrupas) description and photos - Latvia: Rezekne.Livonian Order castle ruins (Rezeknes pilsdrupas) description and photos - Latvia: Rezekne

Author: Kelly Costine