Abbaye du Ronceray d'Angers description and photos - France: Angers (Topic)

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Abbaye du Ronceray d'Angers description and photos - France: Angers

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Abbaye du Ronceray d'Angers description and photos - France: Angers

Abbaye du Ronceray d'Angers description and photos - France: Angers. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photographs and a map showing the nearest significant objects. The title in English is Abbaye du Ronceray d'Angers.

Photo and description

Ronsere Abbey is located in the historic center of Angers, about half a kilometer from the Cathedral of Saint Mauritius, but on the other side of the Maine. The area opposite the castle is called La Doutre (translated as "the other side"). The buildings of the abbey are located in the central square of La Doutra, next to the hospital Saint-Jean, which from the 12th century to the middle of the 19th century served as a hospital for the poor, and today it houses a museum of modern tapestry. Currently, nuns live in one of the buildings of the abbey.

The monastery was founded in 1028 and was the only nunnery in Angers and at the same time one of the largest in the diocese, together with the monastery of Fontainevreau. The abbey was built during the reign of the Count of Anjou Fulk III Nerra, who, strengthening his possessions, built many castles and other structures.

The abbey was rebuilt several times - in the 70s of the XI century, at the beginning of the XII century. In the 17th-18th centuries, several more structures appeared in the abbey complex, including a monumental gate from the side of Zenzeri Street. In the southern part of the abbey, there is the Church of the Holy Trinity, built in the 12th century.

In the 16th century, the monastery was engaged in the production of tapestries, so today there is a museum dedicated to this type of weaving craft next to the abbey. It houses the famous 20th century woven work "The Song of Peace" - a grand cycle by Jean Lursa, a textile artist who lived in the first half of the last century. The abbey's former orphanage is now home to the National School of Arts and Crafts.

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Topic: Abbaye du Ronceray d'Angers description and photos - France: Angers.Abbaye du Ronceray d'Angers description and photos - France: Angers

Author: Kelly Costine
