Panama Aquarium (Centro de Exhibiciones Marinas) description and photos - Panama: Panama (Topic)

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Panama Aquarium (Centro de Exhibiciones Marinas) description and photos - Panama: Panama

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Panama Aquarium (Centro de Exhibiciones Marinas) description and photos - Panama: Panama

Panama Aquarium (Centro de Exhibiciones Marinas) description and photos - Panama: Panama. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photographs and a map showing the nearest significant objects. The title in English is Centro de Exhibiciones Marinas.

Photo and description

The Panama Aquarium is located in the Punta Culebra Natural Park, which is located on the famous Cos Amador, which appeared during the construction of the Panama Canal.

This spit, which connects several islands located near the coast, was built for a protective purpose. The military was stationed here for a long time. Local objects were classified, tourists and fishermen were not allowed here. This made it possible to preserve the marine ecosystem in an intact form, which interested scientists at the Smithsonian University, who obtained permission from the Panama government to conduct various research here. Over time, a park appeared on the territory of Punta Culebra, which includes a section of dry forest, where hiking trails, mangroves, several buildings with exhibitions and offices and an aquarium with outdoor pools, home to representatives of the marine life of the tropical seas around Panama.

For a long time, Punta Culebra Park was accessible only to students of the Smithsonian University. Now it is actively attended by whole classes of schoolchildren, who are told about the diversity of marine species, about the need to maintain the purity of coastal waters. Children can touch starfish, feed turtles and observe the behavior of larger sea creatures. All guests of the park are shown the places where turtles' eggs are laid. There is also a nursery for raising baby turtles. After they grow up, they will be released into coastal waters. In a separate pavilion there is an exhibition dedicated to the flora of the tropical seas.

There is a small zoo near the aquariums, where reptiles and amphibians are kept in terrariums. There are also cages with raccoons.

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Topic: Panama Aquarium (Centro de Exhibiciones Marinas) description and photos - Panama: Panama.Panama Aquarium (Centro de Exhibiciones Marinas) description and photos - Panama: Panama

Author: Kelly Costine