Memorial complex ”Defensive shaft” description and photo - Russia - Volga region: Penza (Topic)

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Memorial complex ”Defensive shaft” description and photo - Russia - Volga region: Penza

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Memorial complex

Memorial complex "Defensive Wall" description and photos - Russia - Volga region: Penza. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photos and a map showing the nearest significant objects.

Photo and description

In the historical part of the city of Penza and in the immediate vicinity of the "First Settler" monument, there are the remains of a defensive wall. The historical memorial complex is complemented by a partially restored palisade and a belfry with a mortar made of cast iron. The memorial complex "Defensive Wall" was established in 1980 as part of the idea of creating a historical site together with the monument "The First Settler".

In the seventeenth century, this place was a wooden city fortress, which protected the borders of the Russian state from the raids of steppe nomads , and the rampart as part of the fortifications. The earthen ramparts, still preserved in the Penza regions, serve as historical monuments reminiscent of the origin of the oldest city in the Volga region.

The memorial complex "Defensive Wall" consists of a belfry, at the foot of which there is a real cast-iron mortar (a short-barreled artillery piece that looks like a cannon), a memorial plaque with the year of Penza's formation and a partially restored fortress palisade. And all this is located on the remains of the defensive earthen rampart of the fortress, preserved from the time of the city's birth.

The "Defensive Wall" memorial complex and the "First Settler" monument are a symbol of the era of Penza's formation and a protected cultural heritage site of federal significance.

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Topic: Memorial complex ”Defensive shaft” description and photo - Russia - Volga region: Penza.Memorial complex ”Defensive shaft” description and photo - Russia - Volga region: Penza

Author: Kelly Costine