Geography and climate in Corsica (Topic)

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Geography and climate in Corsica

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Corsica is one of the largest islands in the Mediterranean. It is only about 80 km from the island to the Italian coast.

The administrative and tourist capital of the island is the city of Ajaccio. It is located in one of the largest bays in Corsica.

The central islands are often occupied by mountains, the height of which reaches 3000 m.


The climate in Corsica is mild, Mediterranean.

Summer is warm and dry with average temperatures of + 21 ... + 25 ° С. Winter is mild, average temperatures are + 10 ... + 14 ° С, but in the mountains it can be cold, often there is even snow.

Summer in Corsica lasts from May to October. The water temperature at this time of the year is about 20 ° C.

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Topic: Geography and climate in Corsica.Geography and climate in Corsica

Author: Kelly Costine
