Bodleian Library UK, Oxford Resort (Topic)

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Bodleian Library UK, Oxford Resort

Rating: 8,5/10 (200 votes)
ImageThe Bodleian Library is a library at the University of Oxford, constantly competing with the Vatican Apostolic Library for the status of the oldest collection in Great Britain, and with the British Library for the right to be called the largest book collection in the country. Since 1662, the Bodleian Library has the right to receive a legal copy of all publications issued in the country. The University of Oxford Library is named after Sir Thomas Bodley, a renowned collector of antique manuscripts who served in the diplomatic service under Queen Elizabeth. The founder of the library is Bishop Thomas de Cobham, who collected a small collection of books for the university back in the 13th-14th centuries. These books were kept chained to shelves to avoid theft. In 1410, de Cobham's library came under the full control of the university. A little later, the Duke of Humphrey of Gloucester took over the expansion of the library. Thanks to his efforts, the library in 1450 was moved to new large premises, which have survived to this day. Under the Tudors, the university became impoverished, Edward VI sold out the book collection, and even bookcases. Thomas Bodley not only restored the entire congregation, but also took care of new premises for it. In addition, Bodley donated his personal library, purchased many books from China and Turkey. In the centuries that followed, several buildings were built to house the expanding library holdings, including the Radcliffe Rotunda, a masterpiece of British Palladianism. ImageImageImageImageImage

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Topic: Bodleian Library UK, Oxford Resort.Bodleian Library UK, Oxford Resort

Author: Kelly Costine