Victoria Tower in the UK, London resort (Topic)

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Victoria Tower in the UK, London resort

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ImageThe tallest and of all the towers of London's Palace of Westminster is Victoria Tower. It is located on the south-western side of the palace, its height is 98.45 meters. For comparison, the famous Big Ben is 2 meters below the Victoria Tower. The name of the tower was dedicated to Queen Victoria, who laid the first stone in its foundation. This happened in 1843, the completion of the construction took place in 1860. At that time, Victoria Tower was considered the largest in the world among square towers. According to the project, the building is based on a cast iron supporting structure. This structure is embedded in masonry. Victoria Tower was built specifically to store parliamentary records. The fact is that when a fire broke out in the palace in 1834, the entire archive of the House of Commons burned down, and the documents of the House of Lords remained intact, as they were stored in a separate tower. The tower now houses 2 million different documents from the twelve floors of the parliamentary archive. The total length of the shelving for this documentation is 9 km. It contains all acts of parliament dating from the 15th century, manuscripts, in particular the Bill of Rights or death sentences. The top of the tower is adorned with a pyramidal roof on which a flagstaff over 20 meters high rises. The royal standard is raised when the royal arrives at the palace. On memorable dates and during parliamentary sessions, the flag of Great Britain is visible above the tower. In addition, the Victoria Tower serves as the main entrance. It is framed by a special arch called the royal entrance. Through it, the monarch enters the tower to open parliament or perform other important state affairs. The entrance is an arch, richly decorated with a sculptural group. St George, St Andrew and St Patrick, and Queen Victoria herself gaze from the arch. ImageImageImageImage

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Topic: Victoria Tower in the UK, London resort.Victoria Tower in the UK, London resort

Author: Kelly Costine