Museum of History and Art of Printing. Bodoni in Italy, Parma resort (Topic)

Traval Articles » Travel » Museum of History and Art of Printing. Bodoni in Italy, Parma resort

Museum of History and Art of Printing. Bodoni in Italy, Parma resort

Rating: 7,9/10 (1029 votes)
Museum of History and Art of Printing. Bodoni presents to the attention of visitors a rich collection of samples of punsons, prints, matrices and ancient manuscripts. The museum was dedicated to the great Italian typographer who marked the beginning of the era of fine typography.

In the courtyard of the museum there is the Palatina Library, which contains no less valuable literary works.

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Topic: Museum of History and Art of Printing. Bodoni in Italy, Parma resort.Museum of History and Art of Printing. Bodoni in Italy, Parma resort

Author: Kelly Costine
