Mausoleum of the first emperor of Minsk. in China, Nanjing resort (Topic)

Traval Articles » Travel » Mausoleum of the first emperor of Minsk. in China, Nanjing resort

Mausoleum of the first emperor of Minsk. in China, Nanjing resort

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In the 14th century, a native of a peasant family Zhu Yuanzhan led a peasant uprising, overthrew the Yuan dynasty and founded the Ming dynasty.

The emperor's tomb is located in Nanjing – the former Minsk capital. The rest of the Ming dynasty emperors are buried in Beijing.

The memorial complex was built for two years by the efforts of 100 thousand workers. The layout of this burial ground served as a model for other Minsk burials.

In the ground part of the complex there is a pavilion for sacrifices, a tower with a stele, as well as Baocheng – burial mound.   There is an underground palace under the mound. Its length – 3 kilometers. The palace is surrounded by a wall 2 wide, 1 meter and 7 meters high. The emperor, his wife and 50 servants are buried in the palace. No excavations have been carried out in this area until now.  

A Sacred Road leads to the emperor's tomb. It is a stone alley lined with 12 pairs of animal statues.  

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Topic: Mausoleum of the first emperor of Minsk. in China, Nanjing resort.Mausoleum of the first emperor of Minsk. in China, Nanjing resort

Author: Kelly Costine