Mount of Beatitudes (Mount of the Sermon on the Mount) in Israel, resort of Tiberias (Topic)

Traval Articles » Travel » Mount of Beatitudes (Mount of the Sermon on the Mount) in Israel, resort of Tiberias

Mount of Beatitudes (Mount of the Sermon on the Mount) in Israel, resort of Tiberias

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The Mount of Beatitudes, according to religious beliefs, is the peak on which Jesus Christ delivered the well-known Sermon on the Mount. The height of this mountain is only 110 meters.

In the first half of the XX century, archaeological excavations were carried out here, during which the remains of ancient architectural structures such as a Byzantine church, the construction of which dates back to the IV century, as well as fragments of mosaic images of the same period.

Today on the Mount of Beatitudes there is a temple built in 1937. The interior decoration of this church is distinguished by splendor and grace. Semi-precious stones and marble were used in the decoration. There is a spacious park around the temple, nearby there is a building where pilgrims are accommodated.

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Topic: Mount of Beatitudes (Mount of the Sermon on the Mount) in Israel, resort of Tiberias.Mount of Beatitudes (Mount of the Sermon on the Mount) in Israel, resort of Tiberias

Author: Kelly Costine