House of Hajigeorgakis Kornesios in Cyprus, Nicosia resort (Topic)

Traval Articles » Travel » House of Hajigeorgakis Kornesios in Cyprus, Nicosia resort

House of Hajigeorgakis Kornesios in Cyprus, Nicosia resort

Rating: 8,2/10 (1433 votes)

The house of Hajigeorgakis Kornesios is located next to the Archbishop's palace.   This house is also called the Drahoman's house. Dragoman Hajigeorgakis was a translator between the Turkish governor and the Christian population. His main activity was the collection of taxes from the Christian population of Cyprus, since all the lands belonged to the Turkish sultan.
The Drahoman House was built by the owner in the 18th century and was considered the most beautiful and luxurious in Nicosia. This house combines Ottoman and Venetian style. Hajigeorgakis Kornesios and his family lived here from 1793 to 1808. In 1809, the drahoman was accused of fraud and executed. After death, the house passed to relatives, in 1979 in the possession of the city.    
The dragoman's house is now open to the public as a museum. The decor of the house has not changed: marble fountains, columns, garden, luxurious carpets, a large sofa room. The house-museum exhibits: ceramics, kitchen utensils, coins, icons. There is still a Turkish bath in the courtyard, which is used for its intended purpose.


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Topic: House of Hajigeorgakis Kornesios in Cyprus, Nicosia resort.House of Hajigeorgakis Kornesios in Cyprus, Nicosia resort

Author: Kelly Costine
