Dangers in the Dominican Republic (Topic)

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Dangers in the Dominican Republic

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Dominican Republic it is a very beautiful country with amazing nature and wonderful conditions for recreation. It is very popular with Russian tourists, but many dangers lie in wait for them here, as in many other countries.

Social dangers

Tour operators assure tourists that there is no crime in the Dominican Republic, but this is absolutely not this way. The Dominican Republic is on the list of Caribbean states with a fairly high crime rate. Scammers and pickpockets regularly operate here, so to ensure the safety of yourself and your belongings, you should follow some rules:
You should always carefully monitor all your documents, and it is better not to carry them with you at all and leave them in the hotel safe. If the documents are really necessary, then their photocopies will be enough in the Dominican Republic, photocopies are treated quite calmly;
You can't take more money with you than you need at the moment it is better to leave large sums in the hotel safe, otherwise they can be stolen;
The mobile phone should be carried in an inside pocket, it should not be left on the belt or around the neck;
If you leave the rented car, then it is better to hide the things left in it from prying eyes;
You should not leave equipment and valuables unattended on the beach, it is better to take them there as rarely as possible;
It is better to use a bank card as little as possible it is preferable to withdraw money from it in branches of foreign banks or in expensive hotels. It is also better not to pay with a card for purchases or services in the country, they often cheat with cards, even more often than they commit thefts;
It is better to exchange local money for dollars only in a bank, despite the unfavorable rate there are a lot of fake dollars in the country;Image

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Topic: Dangers in the Dominican Republic.Dangers in the Dominican Republic

Author: Kelly Costine