Vaccinations Before Traveling to India: Getting Ready for a Serene Vacation (Topic)

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Vaccinations Before Traveling to India: Getting Ready for a Serene Vacation

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Official documents state that it is not necessary to get vaccinated before traveling to India, but any more or less knowledgeable tourist will say that without vaccination, a `` white man '' there is nothing to do on the Indian subcontinent. If local residents have long developed immunity to most pandemics, then a foreigner risks feeling all the `` delights '' on the very first day. unsanitary conditions, blood-sucking insects and other carriers of dangerous diseases.

Vaccinations are required before traveling to India

Therefore, for their own safety, travelers should be aware of more than just what vaccinations to do before traveling to India, but also to understand what to do if symptoms of the disease suddenly appear far from home. VipGeo has compiled a list of infections found in India and ways to prevent infection while preparing to travel.

  • Malaria
  • Dysentery
  • Hepatitis A
  • Typhoid fever
  • Rabies
  • Where to get vaccinated?

When asked what vaccinations are needed before traveling to India, most doctors will tell you that there is no vaccine for malaria. Today it is a real scourge of tropical latitudes, and the peak incidence occurs at the end of the rainy season, when mosquitoes and mosquitoes begin to actively breed in the residual wet areas. Accordingly, the best way to protect yourself from a bite – use repellents and sleep under a protective net.

Since vaccinations against malaria have not yet been invented, doctors recommend drinking the preventive course of Mefloquine before flying to India; or Doxycycline. The exact date of admission can only be prescribed by a therapist, so all actions with medications must be performed strictly after a consultative examination.


Important: the incubation period of malaria, including the most dangerous tropical type, lasts from two weeks to a month. Upon arrival home, be sure to pass the necessary tests to monitor your health.


The second most common infection in India – it's dysentery. The cause of intestinal disease – lack of a unified sewage system and catastrophic level of water pollution. Amoebic dysentery – a frequent diagnosis in the country, but a vaccine has been developed for the most dangerous forms of the disease, which is actively promoted among tourists.

We are talking about the drug Shigellvak, which is given to children over 3 years old and adults. According to the doctors, the vaccination must be affixed at least one month before the intended trip. The duration of its action is 12 months. It is not a fact that the injection will save you from all forms of the disease, and the best way to survive is personal hygiene and avoiding street food and unbottled drinks.

Dysentery vaccination

Hepatitis A

It is believed that most people by the age of 40 develop full immunity to hepatitis A, but the speed of the spread of this disease in Indian territory suggests that guests of any age should be on the lookout and vaccinate themselves in advance. In this case, 30 days before leave with mandatory revaccination in a year. Only with such a scheme, the declared effect will last up to 10 years and the risk of infection will become negligible.

Currently, 4 brands of `` hepatitis '' are sold in Russia. vaccines are:
  • `` GEP-A-in-VAK ''
  • `` Avaxim ''
  • `` Havrix ''
  • « Vakta & raquo;

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Topic: Vaccinations Before Traveling to India: Getting Ready for a Serene Vacation.Vaccinations Before Traveling to India: Getting Ready for a Serene Vacation

Author: Kelly Costine