Ancient Argos (Argos) description and photos - Greece: Argos (Topic)

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Ancient Argos (Argos) description and photos - Greece: Argos

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Ancient Argos description and photos - Greece: Argos

Ancient Argos description and photos - Greece: Argos. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photographs and a map showing the nearest significant objects. The name in English is Argos.

Photo and description

One of the most interesting cities in Greece, which is definitely worth a visit, is Argos - one of the oldest cities in Europe, located on the Peloponnese in a picturesque fertile valley about 11 km northwest from Nafplion.

The continuous history of Argos is more than five thousand years old. Already in the so-called Helladic period, the Pelasgians (a people or a set of peoples inhabiting Greece before the Mycenaean civilization) lived here, who founded a settlement at the foot of the Aspis hill, from which, in fact, the history of this ancient city began. During the Mycenaean period, Argos, largely due to its strategic location, was one of the largest and most influential cities of the Peloponnese, not inferior to its famous neighbors - Mycenae and Tiryns. Tsar Danai is credited with a huge role in its development. The city reached its peak in the 7th century BC. during the reign of King Fidon, who challenged the legendary Sparta for the right to rule in the Peloponnese and managed to regain control over most of the cities of Argolis. During the reign of the Romans, Argos was part of the Roman province of Achaia.

Witnesses of the centuries-old history of Argos have survived to this day in the form of various historical and archaeological sites, among which the ancient Agora, dating back to the 6th century, undoubtedly deserves special attention BC, Roman baths, the remains of ancient structures in the southwestern part of the city at the foot of the Larissa hill (6-3rd century BC) and, of course, the famous ancient theater with 20,000 seats (3rd century BC), where in 1829 Ioannis Kapodistrias spoke before the Fourth National Assembly of the new Greek state, and nowadays various cultural events are held in the summer.

To learn more about the history of Argos, from prehistoric times to the Roman era, you can visit the local Archaeological Museum, whose impressive collection will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated lover of antiquities.

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Topic: Ancient Argos (Argos) description and photos - Greece: Argos.Ancient Argos (Argos) description and photos - Greece: Argos

Author: Kelly Costine