Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve description and photos - Russia - Far East: Kamchatka (Topic)

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Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve description and photos - Russia - Far East: Kamchatka

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Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve description and photos - Russia - Far East: Kamchatka

Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve description and photos - Russia - Far East: Kamchatka. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photos and a map showing the nearest significant objects.

Photo and description

Kronotsky biosphere reserve is the largest and most famous reserve in Kamchatka. Almost all landscapes of the peninsula are represented in the reserve: shrubby and wooded midlands, tundra coastal lowlands and, of course, volcanic highlands with glaciers.

The state nature reserve was founded on the site of the Sobolin reserve in Kronoki that previously existed here. In 1951 it was liquidated, and then restored. In 1961 the reserve was liquidated again. Its final restoration within its former borders took place in January 1967.

In 1985, the reserve became part of the international network of biosphere reserves, and since 1996 it has been on the list of UNESCO World Natural Heritage Sites “Volcanoes of Kamchatka ". The main goal of the reserve was to restore the population of the valuable fur-bearing animal - the sable.

There are many unique natural objects on the territory of the reserve. Here you can see the amazing Valley of Geysers and the Valley of Death, the Uzon volcano caldera, the Semyachik estuary, Lake Kronotskoye and larch forest, an elegant fir grove, Shchapinsky spruce forests, Tyushevsky and Chazhminsky hot springs, Semyachiksky hot springs, Semyachiksky liman / Krono glaciers. >

The Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve is home to 54 species of mammals, including the endangered species of marine animals - sea otter and sea lion. Not far from Cape Kozlov there is the only sea lion rookery off the coast of the peninsula (the population is up to 400 individuals). The Kronotsky Nature Reserve is home to the world's largest natural population of brown bear and wild reindeer. In addition, there is a large number of fox, sable and otter.

In the Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve, you can find groves of stone birch, thickets of alder and cedar elfin, beautiful coniferous forests of larch.

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Topic: Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve description and photos - Russia - Far East: Kamchatka.Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve description and photos - Russia - Far East: Kamchatka

Author: Kelly Costine