Jihad Museum description and photos - Afghanistan: Herat (Topic)

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Jihad Museum description and photos - Afghanistan: Herat

Jihad Museum description and photos - Afghanistan: Herat

Jihad Museum description and photos - Afghanistan: Herat. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photographs and a map showing the nearest significant objects. The title in English is Jihad Museum.

Photo and description

The Jihad Museum is located in the west of the city of Herat. It was conceived and opened in 2010 as a place where you can get acquainted with the history of wars and conflicts in the country. Since its opening, the museum has been visited by many people, including famous personalities, American congressmen and the deputy commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan. There is a memorial to the heroes-mujahideen who fought in the 70-80s with the USSR, as well as the citizens of the country who gave their lives for its independence. The museum conducts educational programs for Afghan citizens.

The museum consists of three rotundas - blue, green and white. The outer walls of the building are a memorial with the names of the victims of the war, women and men, and along the perimeter of the rotunda there are written poems dedicated to the martyrs. The Jihad Museum is located in a park area on a high hill, it is surrounded by a flowering garden and fountains.

The main exhibition is always open and informs about various wars. The museum houses Soviet weapons used during the war, tanks, fighters, helicopters and light rocket launchers. A large collection of small arms, grenades and plastic landmines is on display. The hall of fame contains images of more than 60 commanders who fought with the Soviet Union. A graphic diorama and a fresco in the large halls of the museum show visitors how residents rebelled against Soviet soldiers. The stages of the battle end with the victory of the mujahideen.

Afghanistan has been in a state of conflict for decades, but few of the citizens thought about the causes and consequences of the war. Since most Afghans have not received schooling, not everyone knows why the previous generation fought against the Soviet regime. The texts from the school curriculum usually end in the 1970s so as not to create additional stress.

Museum exhibits illustrate the cruelty and consequences of hostilities for people, the atmosphere of horror pierces the museum. The creators of the museum have thoroughly depoliticized the objects of the exhibition.

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Topic: Jihad Museum description and photos - Afghanistan: Herat.Jihad Museum description and photos - Afghanistan: Herat

Author: Kelly Costine