Ivanovo State Philharmonic, description and photo - Russia - Golden Ring: Ivanovo (Topic)

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Ivanovo State Philharmonic, description and photo - Russia - Golden Ring: Ivanovo

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Ivanovo State Philharmonic Society description and photos - Russia - Golden Ring: Ivanovo

Ivanovo State Philharmonic Society description and photo - Russia - Golden Ring: Ivanovo. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photos and a map showing the nearest significant objects.

Photo and description

The Ivanovo State Philharmonic Society is the largest concert and touring organization in the Ivanovo region, it is one of the oldest philharmonic organizations in the Central region of Russia.

The Ivanovo Philharmonic Society was organized by the decision of the Ivanovo Regional Executive Committee in 1936 as one of the branches of the Moscow State Philharmonic Society. The official date of birth of the Philharmonic is February 15, 1936.

The first orchestra created on the basis of the Philharmonic was a symphony orchestra, led by the famous Soviet conductor, teacher, Honored Artist of the RSFSR Ilya Alexandrovich Gitgarts. Paying great attention to touring activities, Already in the first year of the Philharmonic's work, its administration attracted famous performers of the Soviet Union to perform in the Ivanovo region: Antonina Nezhdanova, an opera singer, future People's Artist of the USSR, Tamara Tsereteli, a pop singer, Honored Artist of the Georgian Republic, a jazz orchestra led by L. Utyosov.

During the war, philharmonic artists performed in hospitals and military units of the Soviet army as part of concert brigades, giving about a thousand concerts every year.

From the mid-1950s to the second half of the 1980s years the artistic direction of the Philharmonic was carried out by the outstanding figure of culture and art E.P. Ivanov. The director of the philharmonic society was V.E. Romanov.

At this time, talented artists joined the philharmonic society, many of them still make up the glory of the Ivanovo stage. These are the trio "Meridian", Vladimir Mirskov, Nadezhda Maksimova, Svetlana Trokhina. For many years, the legend of the Philharmonic was its administrator, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation - M.S. Oberman. A huge contribution to the development of the Ivanovo Philharmonic was made by Yuri Fedorov, Albert Kryuchkovsky, Arkady Dunaevsky, Lyudmila Konyukhova, Konstantin Yarovitsyn, Yevgeny Shurupov, Alexander Kuvshinov.

It was during this period that the lecture hall educational teams began to work on the creation and subsequent literary and musical programs for the younger generation of Ivanovo residents. The first such project in the history of the Philharmonic was a whole cycle of lectures and concerts for schoolchildren entitled “Today we are in the concert hall”.

Since 1976, The Ivanovo Philharmonic coordinated the most famous festival in the country - the All-Union Festival of Arts "Red Carnation".

During the transitional period for the country in the 1990s, the philharmonic society workers tried to maintain and develop the achievements accumulated over the past years. The largest regional festival of arts "Days of Russian Culture" was organized on the basis of the Philharmonic. It still exists today.

In the period from January 1995 to September 2002 the Ivanovo Philharmonic Society operated as a touring and concert center called "Ivanovo Concert".

The Ivanovo State Philharmonic Society received its current building in 2003. Overhaul began immediately, and concerts were held temporarily at other venues. The main building of the Philharmonic after a major overhaul was opened in November 2009. At the opening of the Philharmonic, equipped with modern equipment, a presentation of the Steinway & Sons concert grand took place, the Honored Artist of Russia, Denis Matsuev, gave a concert here.

Today, there are twelve groups and soloists in the Ivanovo State Philharmonic Society, including: orchestra of Russian folk instruments (conductor and artistic director S. Lebedev), trio "Meridian" (N. Lukashevich, N. Smetanin, A. Podshivalov), chamber orchestra D. Shchudrov, ensemble of folk sacred music under the direction of D. Garkavi "Svetilen" , Honored Artists of Russia Vladimir Mirskov and Nadezhda Maksimova, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Y. Gurinovich, artists Ekaterina Rakhmankova, Olga Tikhomolova, Tatiana Skvortsova, lecture groups.

In 2011, the Youth Variety Theater was organized at the Philharmonic.

The most global projects of the Philharmonic: the festival "Days of Russian Culture", which takes place every year in late October - early November in the Ivanovo region, cycles of concerts "Orchestral classical music", a chamber music festival.

By the beginning of each concert season, philharmonic groups and soloists prepare new programs, tour the regions of Russia, and also travel to the CIS countries and abroad with their concerts. Every year in the Ivanovo region, more than five hundred concerts and philharmonic events are held, to which more than 100 thousand spectators come.

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Topic: Ivanovo State Philharmonic, description and photo - Russia - Golden Ring: Ivanovo.Ivanovo State Philharmonic, description and photo - Russia - Golden Ring: Ivanovo

Author: Kelly Costine