Angel Falls (Salto Angel) description and photos - Venezuela: Canaima (Topic)

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Angel Falls (Salto Angel) description and photos - Venezuela: Canaima

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Angel Falls (Salto Angel) description and photos - Venezuela: Canaima

Angel Falls (Salto Angel) description and photos - Venezuela: Canaima. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photographs and a map showing the nearest significant objects. The title in English is Salto Angel.

Photo and description

Angel Falls is the highest free-fall waterfall in the world. It is located in the highlands of Guyana in Venezuela on the Carrao River, which is one of the tributaries of the Orinoco. The name of the waterfall is translated from Spanish as "Angel".

Since ancient times, local Indian tribes called the waterfall Churun-Meru (“The waterfall of the deepest place”), and the plateau from which it falls - Auyan-Tepui, which translates as “devil's mountain”, because of permanent thick fog, which it is shrouded in.

The main attraction of Venezuela

In 1910, the waterfall was discovered by the Spanish explorer Ernesto Sanchoz La Cruz, but gained world fame thanks to the American pilot and gold prospector James Crawford Angel .

In 1949, an expedition of the National Geographic Community of the United States was sent to the waterfall, which determined the main parameters of Angel. And in 1993, UNESCO included the waterfall in the list of world heritage of mankind. Now Angel is located in the Canaima National Park and is considered the main attraction of Venezuela.

The waterfall is surrounded by tropical forests and there are no special roads to it. Therefore, tourists are transported to Angel by air in a light plane or by water in a canoe with a motor. The most desperate thrill-seekers can jump off the edge of the plateau on a hang glider. The starting point for tours to the waterfall is the small village of Kanaymi. With the influx of tourists, the town has changed, and several hotel complexes, restaurants and souvenir shops have appeared in it.

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Topic: Angel Falls (Salto Angel) description and photos - Venezuela: Canaima.Angel Falls (Salto Angel) description and photos - Venezuela: Canaima

Author: Kelly Costine