Rusellae description and photos - Italy: Grosseto (Topic)

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Rusellae description and photos - Italy: Grosseto

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Rusellae description and photos - Italy: Grosseto

Rusellae description and photos - Italy: Grosseto. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photographs and a map showing the nearest significant objects. The title in English is Rusellae.

Photo and description

Rousella is an ancient Etruscan city in Tuscany, the ruins of which are located in the territory of the modern district of Rosella in the commune of Grosseto. It lies 15 km from another Etruscan settlement, Vetulonia, and 8 km from Grosseto. The ruins of the ancient city are located on two hills, the highest of which reaches 194 meters above sea level. At the top of one hill is a Roman amphitheater, and on the other is a tower, the exact date of which has not yet been established. Local limestone tuff was widely used for the construction of both buildings.

Rousella was supposedly one of the 12 cities of the Etruscan confederation. The city had an advantageous geographical position, which made it possible to control the lake Lago Prile - a lagoon connected to the sea. In 294 BC. Rosella was captured by the Romans who later founded a colony on this site. It is known that in 205 BC. Rousella supplied grain and timber for the African fleet of Scipio. In 1138, the city was abandoned, and the local bishop moved to Grosseto.

Today the territory of Russell is cultivated for agricultural purposes, and the ancient ruins are overgrown with grass, although the defensive walls with parapets are well preserved. The walls themselves are built of irregularly shaped limestone blocks measuring about 2.75 * 1.2 meters. Smaller blocks are inserted into slots between large slabs. An ancient Roman cistern for collecting water is visible nearby. Other ruins from the Roman era were discovered 3 km away, near the hot springs that were used as baths.

On the northern hill, next to the amphitheater, the ruins of the Casa del Impluvium building have survived - one of the rare examples of an antique structure with a pool in the courtyard. On the southern hill, you can see the kilns for ceramics. Some of the artifacts found in Rousella are now exhibited at the Museum of Archeology and Art of the Maremma in Grosseto.

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Topic: Rusellae description and photos - Italy: Grosseto.Rusellae description and photos - Italy: Grosseto

Author: Kelly Costine