Catholic Cathedral of the Resurrection Cathedral description and photos - Ukraine: Ivano-Frankivsk (Topic)

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Catholic Cathedral of the Resurrection Cathedral description and photos - Ukraine: Ivano-Frankivsk

Catholic Cathedral of the Resurrection Cathedral description and photos - Ukraine: Ivano-Frankivsk

Catholic Cathedral of the Resurrection Cathedral description and photos - Ukraine: Ivano-Frankivsk. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photos and a map showing the nearest significant objects.

Photo and description

The Cathedral of the Holy Resurrection in Ivano-Frankivsk is located on the Metropolitan Sheptytsky Square and is an architectural monument of national importance.

The cathedral was founded in 1720, its construction lasted nine long years, and finally, in 1929, the opening took place. However, during the construction, serious technical errors were made, due to which part of the building began to sag and cracks appeared. Due to the threat of destruction, the church had to be dismantled and rebuilt.

The temple appeared in a new look to the parishioners in 1763, it was built in the best traditions of the Austro-Bavarian Baroque school. The architects were S. Potocki and H. Dalke. The appearance of the church also traces the influence of traditional Hutsul wooden architecture (the main facade is crowned with two towers created in this style).

Until 1774, the temple was used by Catholic monks as a monastery, later the building was transferred to the needs of high school students, and then - to the Greek Catholic community. In 1849 the temple was transferred to the Ukrainian community, at the same time the temple became a cathedral.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the interior of the church was supplemented with magnificent icon-painting works of famous Ukrainian artists A. Manastirsky (1878-1969) and M. Sosenko (1875-1920). The Baroque sculpture of the main altar is no less remarkable.

During the Soviet Union and up to 1989, the Greek Catholic Church was Orthodox.

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Topic: Catholic Cathedral of the Resurrection Cathedral description and photos - Ukraine: Ivano-Frankivsk.Catholic Cathedral of the Resurrection Cathedral description and photos - Ukraine: Ivano-Frankivsk

Author: Kelly Costine