Church of the Sacred Heart (Herz-Jesu-Kirche) in Austria, Bregenz spa (Topic)

Traval Articles » Travel » Church of the Sacred Heart (Herz-Jesu-Kirche) in Austria, Bregenz spa

Church of the Sacred Heart (Herz-Jesu-Kirche) in Austria, Bregenz spa

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The Catholic Basilica of the Sacred Heart, located in the modern part of Bregenz on the shores of Lake Constance, is the largest neo-Gothic structure in the city.

The basilica was built in 1905 with donations from the townspeople. Joseph Cades was appointed the author of the project. Reconstruction work in the church was carried out quite often in the 20th century. The temple acquired its present appearance in 2005.

During the Second World War, altars were built in the temple in the style of the Renaissance. The altar was decorated with statues and reliefs commemorating the birth of Jesus. Also here you can see the images `` Christ on the Mount of Olives '' and Sacrificial Lamb.

The building is distinguished from modern buildings by a bright red brick facade and two 62-meter towers. The laconic exterior decoration and architectural silhouette are somewhat reminiscent of the Romanesque ancient Roman style.

The interior space was designed in the form of a cross. The temple has three naves. One of the main attractions of the church is the organ, created in 1931 by master Joseph Behman.  


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Topic: Church of the Sacred Heart (Herz-Jesu-Kirche) in Austria, Bregenz spa.Church of the Sacred Heart (Herz-Jesu-Kirche) in Austria, Bregenz spa

Author: Kelly Costine