Pylos in Greece, Peloponnese resort (Topic)

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Pylos in Greece, Peloponnese resort

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This compact town is located at the very entrance to the Navarino Bay.

This small town is famous for its quiet old streets, the embankment, the Museum of Archeology, the memorial dedicated to the Battle of Navarino, as well as the Neo-Castro fortress built by the Turks in the years 1572-1573. The fortress is open from Thursday to Sunday from 8.3am to 3pm.

The Paleo-Castro fortress, built in the Middle Ages, stands on the cliffs on the north side of the narrow and long island of Sfaktiria. An underground passage from it leads to Nestor's cave, in which, according to Homer's Odyssey, Hermes hid Apollo's cows, and the mythical king kept cattle.

But the main city attraction is – it is a memorial dedicated to those killed on October 20, 1872 in the battle of Navarino. In this battle, the fleet of three states: France, Russia and Great Britain, defeated the Turkish fleet completely without losses. Among the remnants of the Turkish fleet you can go snorkelling, you can rent it right here.

At a distance of 17 kilometers from Pylos, there is a unique object -   `` Palace of Nestor '', or Ano-Englianos. It is open to tourists in summer on Thursdays and Fridays from 8 am to 7.30 pm, and on weekends – from 8.30 to 15.00, and in winter – every day from 8.30 to 15.00. This palace is the seat of the semi-mythical king of the Mycenaean period, who ruled the western part of the Peloponnese and sent to the Three 'ninety black ships' during the war with this state.

Interestingly, the description of the palace is very similar to that description, which Homer gave in his Odyssey. Now archaeologists have discovered the main palace, which is considered the best preserved complex of the Mycenaean era. Also, an older small palace, household buildings, as well as a burial tholos, which are very similar to those of Mycenae, were excavated.

But the most important find of this place is – These are Linear B plaques. Previously, archaeologists found such writing only in Crete, which proves the close connection between the Mycenaean and Minoan civilizations.

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Topic: Pylos in Greece, Peloponnese resort.Pylos in Greece, Peloponnese resort

Author: Kelly Costine